What is a kiss if it is said? A secret told to the mouth instead of the ear… A kiss is as some poets describe, a bouquet of flowers that attracts the bees, amber warmed by the hand of a girl, the perfume of fruits mellowing in their winter buds…yes all of these is a kiss.
A kiss has remained… as an expression of love, a tribute to love and an introduction to love… a kiss that is implanted on the ring of the Pope, a kiss which a mother plants on her child’s forehead, a kiss when lovers meet or a kiss when its time to say good bye… a kiss remains through joy, happiness, passion and through tears.
If eyes are the portals to the soul, then lips are the corridors to the mind. We react to thoughts with a smile, express love with words and intentions with a kiss… Intention that is friendly when you kiss someone on the cheek or of admiration when you kiss on their hand. A desire that is shown by kissing on the neck or ears. And of course the kiss, which the special someone gives you on your lips and whispers ‘I love you’.
Incase you want to get a little more romantic there can be a dancing kiss when you suddenly grab your partner in your arm, play romantic music, switch to a little dance and then gently start kissing. Or the trickle kiss when you take a sip of your favorite drink and trickle it slowly into your partner’s mouth while kissing. And of course the romantic teaser kiss where you start with a loving kiss on the forehead followed by a sweet short kiss on lips moving up and down the arm and further kissing on the lips till it becomes really passionate.
For the shy lovers who yet cannot approach their love, wait till the Christmas season because it brings the mistletoe custom. And the custom says that if a woman is caught standing under the sprig of mistletoe, any man has the right to kiss her, without asking her permission or begging her pardon. This is one time when social convention doses its eyes to lover's delights. For then, you can seize hold of your girl and smack her to your heart's content without being socially scorned for it.
Apart from the mistletoe custom, many other interesting customs and kissing legends exists. Tradition has it that any woman, who kisses the armor-clad statue of the 16th century Italian soldier Guidarello Guidarelli, would marry and settle down with a wonderful gentleman. It is estimated that over 5 million woman have done so. In Ireland, it is believed that any person who kisses the Blarney Stone, situated in the 15th century Blarney Castle in Cork, is said to be endowed with good fortune and the gift of eloquence. In Germany, it has been observed that those who kiss their spouse each morning earn 20 to 30 percent more income and live approximately five times longer. Since a morning kiss begins their day with a positive attitude.
But as they say, love can also be dangerous sometime. Social Practices in Indiana makes it illegal for a mustached man to "habitually kiss human beings". An amazing fact is that in Hartford, Connecticut it's illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on Sunday, and in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it's a crime to kiss a stranger. Who ever thought this sweet expression of love could be so grave.
For those who do not approve of this romantic gesture must know that kissing has some health benefits too. Reports have revealed that a one minute kiss burns 26 calories. While kissing, your heart is pumping, your pulse is racing and it becomes a great cardio-vascular workout. So next time when you plan to hit the gym, why not opt for the easier way. Kissing is great stress buster; it gives you a good-all-over feeling until and unless your partner has bad breath. Women compare it to melting butter or a splash of wave. Men describe it as vibrations at a concert. But what is the physiology behind the warm and fuzzy feelings that accompany a good kiss? It's all about dopamine, neurotransmitters, pleasure receptors and the like.
If you are still varying between the kiss-me and kiss-me-not hubbub, understand the ardor of a kiss, think of the benefits otherwise and go on.
So whether the kiss seals a betrothal, signifies respect and admiration or comforts a tearful eye, the fact remains that a kiss is a promise of a heart full of love and tenderness.
One kind kiss before we part,
Drop a tear and bid adieu;
Though we sever, my fond heart
Till we meet shall pant for you.
~ Robert Dodsley
Courtesy--Shilpi Seengal & www.santabanta.com
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